
Council Hearing on Zoning Ordinance Update

Monday December 16 5:30PM Northport Public Safety Building - Municipal Courtroom, 3721 26th Avenue The Northport City Council will hold a public hearing on the recommended updates to the Zoning Ordinance. This will be the Second Reading of the proposed ordinance amendment. After this hearing the Council will hold a vote on the proposed changes. The existing zoning ordinance and the draft changes to the ordinance are posted   o n the   Documents   page.  The zoning map can be viewed  here .

Commission Hearing on Zoning Ordinance

Tuesday November 12 5:30PM Northport Civic Center, 3500 McFarland Boulevard The Northport Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a hearing for public comments on the recommended updates to the Zoning Ordinance. After this hearing the Commission will hold a vote to make a recommendation to the City Council on the proposed updates to the Zoning Ordinance. The existing zoning ordinance and the draft changes to the ordinance are posted   o n the   Documents   page.  The zoning map can be viewed here .  

Proposed Engineering Manual

The City of Northport has drafted an Engineering Design and Construction Manual that will be adopted in the coming months. The proposed manual will establish minimum standards for design and construction of land development projects and public infrastructure throughout the city. The standards in the manual will be referenced in the Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Regulations. The most recent draft of the manual can be viewed here . The schedule for review and approval of the Engineering Design and Construction Manual will be posted here when available.

First Hearing on Zoning Update

Monday October 28 5:30PM Northport Civic Center, 3500 McFarland Boulevard The Northport Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a hearing for public comments on the recommended updates to the Zoning Ordinance. To view the changes to the Zoning Ordinance that are being considered, the existing ordinance, the most recent draft and a previous draft are posted   o n the   Documents   page. Please note that the changes appearing in the draft are "in process" and are subject to change as the process continues.  In addition, presentations from the February community workshop and subsequent work sessions with the Planning and Zoning Commission and Council may be viewed  o n the  Documents  page.

Zoning Work Session 7

Tuesday September 17 5:30PM Northport Civic Center, 3500 McFarland Boulevard The Northport City Council and Planning and Zoning Commission will meet with City Staff and planning consultant KPS Group to discuss the zoning ordinance update. Topics to be discussed: short-term rentals, group homes To view the changes to the Zoning Ordinance that are being considered, the existing ordinance and July 3, 2024 draft are posted o n the Documents page. Please note that the changes appearing in the draft are "in process" and are subject to change as the process continues.  In addition, presentations from the February community workshop and subsequent work sessions with the Planning and Zoning Commission and Council may be viewed  o n the  Documents  page.

Zoning Work Session 6

Tuesday August 27 5:30PM Northport Civic Center, 3500 McFarland Boulevard The Northport City Council and Planning and Zoning Commission will meet with City Staff and planning consultant KPS Group to discuss the zoning ordinance update. Topics to be discussed: sign regulations, nonconformities, development approval process 

Plan Adopted

The City of Northport Planning and Zoning Commission adopted the Northport Compass Comprehensive Plan Tuesday July 16. The adopted plan can be viewed  here .